Here at Celebration, we believe that in order to truly experience the fullness of Christ’s love, you must be connected to other believers. We desire to provide many opportunities for people to get connected to other like minded people in a variety of ways. Keep scrolling to see the different ways we offer for connections!

Join a Small Group!

Celebration Church recognizes the importance of small groups. We would love to get you connected to a group that will best fit your personality and desires. Please contact the church office to know more about what small groups are meeting right now.

Everyone is welcome to come to the Kingdom Builders Bible Study on Sunday mornings @ 9am in the Prayer Room.

Worship Arts and Tech Ministry

Music and technology play a big role in churches across America. Celebration desires to always be adding new members to our Worship and Tech teams; we have opportunities for all ages! For more information about our Worship Arts and Tech Ministry, please contact the church office.

Kingdom Servants

Kingdom Servants make this church “go round”. With out servants who are willing to invest in the Church, which ultimately is investing in the Kingdom of God, we wouldn’t be able to Reach, Connect, Grow, and Serve. If you’re interested in serving Celebration Church, please email the church at We THANK YOU for your commitment to this church and to the Kingdom of God.

 Children’s Ministry -

We have a time during the service for Children’s sermons so that our children can grow spiritually right alongside the rest of our congregation. They are also given activity packets where they can choose a page to color or fill out for their offering, and then they can take the rest home to continue throughout the week.

We also have Confirmation Classes for 6th - 8th Grade that are held Sundays at 9:00am every other year.